Tummy tucks are for patients who have excess abdominal skin and, or, fat with tummy wall laxity. The abdominoplasty procedure involves excision of fat and skin and increasing the firmness of the abdomen by suture tightening the muscle wall. The scar is placed at the bikini line. The scar length varies if you have a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck.
This is not weight loss surgery.
Minimal liposuction may be included at no extra charge if it is indicated and can be safely performed.
This surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure for your safety.
Surgical Time: Approximately 3 - 4 hours.
Anesthesia: General anesthesia. A TAP block, provided by your anesthesiologist with Exparel, is included for our patients having a full tummy tuck at the Surgery Center at Kissing Camels. This should make you more comfortable for the first 3-4 days.
Postoperative Care: Drains must be emptied and volumes recorded every eight hours at home until they are dry enough to remove. For most patients, sutures are removed within two weeks following surgery.
Questions: Call Dr. Raskin immediately at his office, on his cell phone, or at his home. These numbers will be provided to you at your pre-op visit.
Scars: Surgical scars are permanent. On occasion, a delay in healing occurs at the edge of your incision. These scars, while noticeable for a period of three to six months, tend to fade soften and improve with time.
Social Activities: Social activities should be modified for approximately two weeks following this type of surgery. It is best to limit exercises and lifting for another two weeks. All of these limitations will be reviewed with you.
Click here for tummy tuck videos provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgery.
Ask for our Military Discount if you are an Active Duty or a Military Dependent
Your cost includes the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, and your outpatient operating room at the fully accredited Surgery Center at Kissing Camels. For a full abdominoplasty, an ultrasound guided TAP block is included at no extra charge. Your TAP block will provide you with 3-4 days of improved comfort so that you will require less use of opioids (narcotics) after your surgery.